Boris Lopatinsky:Marketing, Branding and HR: Intercultural or Regional Approach?


主题:Marketing, Branding and HR: Intercultural or Regional Approach?

主讲人:Boris Lopatinsky




The object is to point out the importance to stay flexible and adaptive in marketing, when international events come to change drastically the vision of the global market.


1. Liberal and Neo-liberal school defined a new doctrine about marketing by emphasizing branding, especially the replacement of the business philosophy by creating a global storytelling about major brands. But this branding concept also helps groups or corporations to become more visible and more attractive for new executive recruits(marketing goes HR). 


2. From the actual situation, we suddenly pass from a neo-liberal doctrine to a classical capitalistic policy. Major European, Chinese and Asiatic groups react to this situation by redeploying their economy on the regional level.


3. New attitudes appear, for example, transcultural instead of intercultural, regional replaces global, and international relations become geostrategic.


Key words: global market, regional market, liberal, neo-liberal, capitalism, branding, marketing, HR



Boris Lopatinsky


LOPATINSKY Boris has taught Politics, International Law, and History for Master and PhD students. He has also taught at the elite management class during three years, teaching HR, Management, Marketing, Risk management, Economic intelligence and business law. He has served during 15 years in China (Changchun, Guangzhou, Dalian) teaching mainly politics institutions, press and history. As researcher on strategy and conflict, he has works in French Polynesia two years, in Canada at Montreal one years and in Middle East four years. He has also works in France as researcher and Assistant Professor in various university or researcher center majorly in Sociology field.


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