SISU students published articles in Portuguese newspaper and Brazilian news website

  • Zhan Luoheng’s article

  • Zhan Luoheng in Portugal

  • Wang Jiafei's article

  • Wang Jiafei's article

  • Wang Jiafei's article


wo postgraduate students majoring in Portuguese language from Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) published articles in Portuguese in Portuguese newspaper and Brazilian news website to speak for China.

Zhan Luoheng, as an exchange student in Portugal now, published an article titled What We Ignored in Coronavirus: Lack of Mass Empathy in Publico, the most influential newspaper in Portugal, on May 21.

Referring to some false comment against China, Zhan voiced support for the country in the article. She said she hoped more people around the world can know about the real China through Chinese students’ voices.

“China’s efforts to fight the virus have been ignored,” she said.

“The disease will vanish someday while the prejudice rooted in heart will not. Our mind is as vulnerable as our body in the spread of coronavirus,” Zhan wrote in the article. “Discriminatory discourse can harm the coordinated effort against the pandemic.”

Wang Jiafei, Zhan’s classmate as well as member of SISU’s Center for Brazil Studies, have published three opinion articles in Portuguese in Brazilian news website Hora da Bahia, focusing on China’s anti-epidemic work.

Wang was invited by Diego Machado, CEO of a Brazilian company GLIFFOS, to write and publish articles in the local media. He volunteered in the fifth Training and Exchanging Camp “Bridge of the Future” in which Diego Machado participated as a guest in November 2019.

Wang’s three articles are respectively titled The Ability of the Chinese Government in Epidemic Situation, We Love Freedom and Respect for Life and When Lowering the Flag. A series of his comment articles will also be released in Hora da Bahia soon.