Military training: first compulsory course for SISU freshmen

  • Military Training

    The training consists of numerous subjects, such as formation training, boxing, and national defense courses. [Photo by Chen Yijun]

  • Military Trainging

    Students usually trained for seven hours per day, from 8:00 to 11:30, and 13:30 to 17:00. [Photo by Chen Yijun]

  • Military Training

    Now, they become more mature through training. Their skins are tanned and they become more disciplined.

Video |  Ye Pengyu, Zhu Yuzheng and Lin Andong


ilitary training has always been considered a ritual that freshmen must go through to start a new campus life. Recently, all new undergraduates took their first “compulsory course” in Shanghai International Studies University (SISU).

“The purpose of military training is to instill a sense of patriotism, collectivism and national defense into the freshmen. It can help to develop good will and characters which might be beneficial to the future study and life,” said Ding Yongxiang, head of the University’s Military Training Regiment.

“In general, military training is delightful,” said Ke Yuze, a male freshman of Arabic studies who has drilled for almost a week. He pointed out that it gives him the opportunity to bond with fellow students.

Students usually trained for seven hours per day, from 8:00 to 11:30, and 13:30 to 17:00. They can have a short break after 45-minute training. The training consists of numerous subjects, such as formation training, boxing, and national defense courses. 

“Nowadays, military training persists for a shorter period of time, and it’s not so stringent as before,” said Shan Weizhong, the commander in chief of the second detachment of the armed police. “Due to the law of gun control, guns were all taken away and firearms courses were cancelled.” As Mr. Shan said, he trained the students at East China University of Science and Technology in 1999. At that time, all boys and girls were required to crawl in the rain.

Most SISU students said they could handle the intensity of military training. “Although it takes for two weeks, military training in SISU is much easier compared with that in senior high school.” said Ke Yuze. He said he enjoyed the song “rally” where students and drillmasters gathered round and sang military anthems, adding that such an atmosphere made him relaxed.

However, several students, mostly girls, couldn’t insist on military training. Yan Yangyang, a female freshman of Korean studies, said that she was arranged to rest up for a while because of physical condition.

“At the call-up session before the training, I had three hopes to them. First I told them to be less childish and be more mature instead,” said Instructor Shan. Now, they become more mature through training. Their skins are tanned and they become more disciplined.