Getting diversified: scholars probe into Canadian Studies in China at SISU

  • Canadian Studies in China

    "Canadian studies in China are increasingly looking to strategic relationships between Canada and China," said Qian Hao.

  • Canadian Studies in China

    “Canadian studies in China are increasingly looking to strategic relationships between Canada and China,” said Qian Hao.


he 16th Biennial Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in China was held at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU).

About 98 scholars and experts in Canadian studies from 51 different universities, colleges, and research institutes as well as some business sectors nationwide attended the conference.

The submitted conference papers covered the subjects associated with Canada including education, welfare, aboriginal people, the Quebec issue, English/French literature, the Arctic issue, ecological protection, economy and trade, judicial system, Canadian multiculturalism and bilingualism, Canadian early history and urbanization.

Confucius Institutes in Canada, China-Canada relations, Canada-US relations, Canadian foreign aid and investment.

All these subjects fall into four categories and were discussed during nine panels. Scholars and experts explored their research from multiple perspectives by applying social science, natural science, humanity as well as anthropology approaches.

“Besides the traditional fields such as culture and history, the Canadian studies in China are increasingly looking to strategic relationships between Canada and China, including anti-terrorism, extradition of fugitives and the Arctic issues where the two countries are working closer,” said Qian Hao, director of the Center for Canadian Studies at Shanghai International Studies University.

China has become Canada's second largest trading partner after the US. There are 1.5 million Chinese immigrants in Canada. The two countries have granted each other 10-year visas.

Canada and China designated 2015-2016 as the Year of People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges in November 2014, during Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's formal visit to China.

Minister Sarah Taylor at Canadian Embassy in Beijing attended the conference and praised of the association in its contribution to the Canadian Studies programs in China.

Taylor gave her special thanks to the scholars and experts for their excellent job in promoting the understanding between Chinese and Canadian peoples.

The minister claimed that Canadian government will always be in support of Canadian studies in China and hopes to get more Canadian students to China to improve people to people diplomacy.

Fifteen young scholars have been bestowed the title “Winner of Excellent Thesis” in Canadian studies field at both Ph.D and M.A. levels.

The biennial conference was first held at Sichuan International Studies University in 1984. The next conference was planned to be held at Yunnan Agricultural University in 2017.