Media talks across the Strait: Taiwan professor visits Shanghai-based Xinmin Evening News

  • Shanghai United Media Group

    Established in 2013, SUMG is the result of Shanghai's media reform towards a market where readers are moving from print to digital media.


r. Li Biao, an assistant professor in Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Taiwan, together with Zhou Jiawen, a lectuer in SISU’s School of Journalism and Communication, visited Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG) on last week.

Dr. Li talked with Chen Qiwei, the Editor-in-Chief of SUMG’s Xinmin Evening News, about the opportunities and barriers for the transition of traditional media across the Strait in the Internet era.

According to Chen, the newspaper’s circulation is 800,000 currently, down from 1.85 million in the 1990s. But its website and mobile app are gaining wild popularity. Now it’s hard for newspapers to make profits since Chinese readers are used to reading them online for free. Adapting to readers’ reading habit and attracting young people are problems traditional media must solve.

Dr Li, once a deputy managing editor of Taiwan-based China Times, said that the rise of new media doesn't necessarily crowd out traditional media. It just forces the traditional media to change and adapt.

He added that many journalists in Taiwan have become backpack journalists. They send brief news and photos to e-papers in the morning, editing videos in the afternoon, writing for evening papers at night.

But he doubted the quality and sustainability of this kind of practice, saying that the fast news cycle often is at the cost of accuracy. Currently, Taiwan is witnessing a trend of “slow media”. These media outlets are reorienting market positions and minimizing the side effects of “fast news”.

Chen stressed that media content comes first and media branding is one of the priorities. Also, the transition of traditional media needs to focus on institutional innovation. Such as, getting rid of the bureaucratic style of work and merging research, production and marketing together.