Touching the Heart of SISU: A Cornea and Liver Donor

  • Making a difference

    “Anyone under this circumstance must suffer grave grief. Parents who can make such a great decision like them are really respectable.”


ew days ago, a female junior student (Huang) from School of English Studies in Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) died peacefully in Shanghai First People's Hospital (SFPH). But she hasn’t gone with the wind.

She is still alive in another way.

Several hours after the hospital’s confirmation of Huang’s death, her parents pulled themselves together and determined to donate her corneas and liver.

“Anyone under this circumstance must suffer grave grief. Parents who can make such a great decision like them are really respectable,” said the deputy director general in the medical department of SFPH.

Although all the doctors tried their best to save this young life, Huang died of a serious cerebral hemorrhage on 28th April.

However deeply grieved, her parents didn’t forget to follow her wish to be a donor to save more people.

Many of her classmates and friends were all shocked by this news and reluctant to accept it as true.

Huang was once the manager of the volleyball team in School of English Studies. With her help, the team has grown stronger in just two years and even won the gold medal in SISU’s “President Cup” this year.

However, she could not wait to watch the final match.

“The following published article is to mourn our classmate.”

Beginning with a message on Delicacy official account, the article was written by Wang Bin, her friend and one of the volleyball team members.

“From the beginning to now, you had paid through the nose for our volleyball team. In the most difficult period, you stayed with us and encouraged us,” Wang writes so in the article. Our Memorial——Your Name Is Red, “you might say that let’s have a big meal and be in a good mood. How can you leave us when we are in the peak? How can you make us sad?” [1]

So far, the page views have hit 8,000. Many students who learned this news all forwarded the message, expressing their best wishes for her.

Qian Jingyi, who majors in Journalism, have the internship together with Huang in the same company.

“She is a nice girl and I still remember during the internship, we always walked together and chatted and laughed happily on the subway,” Qian said.

[1] The above sentences are quoted from Wang Bin’ Chinese article and translated by author. The original published on Delicacy is as follows从组建队伍到现在,你付出了那么多,在最困难的时候,你和我们在一起,说,没事儿,吃一顿心情就好了。在最光荣的时候,你怎么忍心,就这么离开了呢?