Exploring UK: Cultural season greets SISU students with British icons

  • Exploring UK

    The theme exhibition “Exploring UK” , marking the start of a cultural season in May and June, is now greeting SISUers on Songjiang campus.


he theme exhibition “Exploring UK” , marking the start of a cultural season in May and June, is now greeting students and faculties in Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on Songjiang campus.

 “I would never get a chance to see Fang Chong’s manuscripts but for this exhibition. He has been my idol since I was just a little girl,” said Li Shi, a student from Department of Translation.

As the main part of collections exhibition, books like Fang Chong’s manuscripts,  photographs of Betty Barr , Elizabeth II and the Queen of Britain as well as many other priceless pictorial or literal documents are displayed exquisitely in cabinets in the hall of the University Library.

“Many students would stop and stand by those cabinets for a while,”said one of the library staff members surnamed Li, “We hope more students can enjoy this exhibition.”

Apart from the collections exhibition, photographs and videos will be also hold in the sequence. By that time, it will bring a vivid experience to all those touched by the British culture as comprehensive as such.

The program, Exploring UK, is composed of a collection show, a photography and video exhibition, lectures and cultural experience activities in the following May and June.

In the next two months, more than 30 experts will deliver speeches and lectures about British policy, economy and culture.

What’s more, some excursions to trace British culture in the downtown and other art activities organized by School of English Studies are waiting to be held in full swing.

This British theme exhibition is part of SISU's annual cultural season for “Going Global: World Civilizations”, organized and sponsored by University Communications, University Library, School of English Studies and Center for British Studies.

2015 is the first-ever Year of Cultural Exchange between the two countries, which was formally announced when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited the UK last June. It comprises two seasons - a UK season in China from March to June, and a Chinese season in the UK from July to October. The former is led by the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in China, and the latter will be led by China's Ministry of Culture.

This is perhaps the largest-ever platform for the cultural exchange between the two countries.
