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3 SISU students lead by three teachers discussed with journalists from five popular Japanese newspapers on several topics when attending the 10th dialogue meeting between Chinese and Japanese media at SISU on March 24th.
Professor Guo Ke, the dean of SISU’s School of Journalism and Communication and his assistant Zhu Lian together with Professor Xu Cihui, the dean of SISU’s School of Japanese Studies attended this meeting hosted by Lu Jian, the host of international channel of CCTV and Tase Yasuhiro, a well-knwon columnist and critic of Japan.
Students exchanged ideas with their Japanese partners on the issue of the economy, relations, the youngsters’ employment in both countries and how to report the newly talks between the two presidents.
The participants reached an agreement that public opinion is the key to the relationship of China and Japan. They advocated that media members should think calm thoughts, be responsible for the history, report news objectively and then enhance the mutual understanding and trust between two peoples.
SISU students analyzed the different attitudes of Chinese and Japanese media on reporting the talks between Xi Jinping, the President of China and Shinzō Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, reaching a consensus to reflect the true attitudes for both sides.
For the issue that the young prefer to stay in big cities existed in both countries, Yuji Sugiyama of Yomiri Shimbun suggest young people to take serious about their first job bases on his own experience.
“Despite the great competition, young people will find the opportunity still fair. ” said Huang Haibo, deputy editor-in-chief and host of Phoenix TV of Hong Kong. “Who works hard and know how to be kind will finally get their favorite jobs.”