SISU Professor Steve Kulich Elected President of IAIR

  • Steve Kulich

    Professor Steve J. Kulich is the Executive Director of SII and a distinguished professor at SISU. He is the winner of the Shanghai Municipal 2007 Magnolia Silver Award and 2010 Magnolia Gold Award.


teve Kulich, the Executive Director of the Intercultural Institute (SII) at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), was appointed as the President of International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR). His term of office will last for six years. 

SSCI journal International Journal of Intercultural Relations, published by IAIR, has always been one of the most popular publication in field of intercultural studies since 1977. IAIR has published six papers, all of which were written by researchers from SISU’s Intercultural Institute.  

The new appointment of Prof. Steve Kulich coincided with the tenth anniversary of SISU’s Intercultural Institute. The institute directed by Prof. Steve Kulich is trying to deepen the understanding of academic studies between China and other countries, to prepare talents with a global vision and to develop intercultural studies.

SISU’s Intercultural Institute is supported by IAIR, the Senior Experts Program provided by State Foreign Experts Bureau, as well as the degree programs for international students. 

This year’s IAIR biennial meeting will be held in the City University of New York from June 25 to 29. A team of SISU’s Intercultural Institute plans to attend the panel discussions and paper presentations of the meeting. The team will also apply to hold the next biennial meeting in SISU, which is going to take place in 2019.